Every project has a beginning. Once upon a time the SoSkild story began and developed out of a philosophy and a vision backed up by research.
Whereas in the 1990s, no one really thought there was a reason to have a mobile telephone (“I've got an answering machine, haven't I?”), these days the smartphone is an unmissable part of our daily lives. Each new smartphone model also incorporates more and more functions of other devices, making it an even more valuable part of our lives. It is people their lifeline, their mobile office and best friend. Not only does its value in our lives keeps on increasing, so does its financial value.
Unclear claims
It is important to protect this valuable item of convenience properly! Today, this is something that consumers are increasingly aware of. Research has shown that 95% of the people who buy a smartphone also buy a case. Furthermore, 85% of them have indicated that the most important reason for purchasing a case is to protect the smartphone against scratches and cracks and when it drops. Anyone who has searched for telephone cases that can properly protect their devices, knows that it can be a time-consuming experience. Many existing brands try to encourage people with claims as: “Military Graded, Military Standard, Bulletshield, 3m Drop protection, Level 3 Shock Protection, Patent Pending and Flexshock Pro and exactly what you are looking for!”
All greatness stands firm in a storm, but standing out is a tall order with such high claims everywhere. If one producer makes a bold claim about their products, it will attract people their interest. However, as soon as such a bold claim is put alongside many other bold claims, they all lose their value. Research has shown that the claims have mainly lost their value because they are unclear to consumers. Buyers do not understand what the claims actually mean since everyone is making the same claims, they end up meaning very little to consumers.